About bus station

The following services are available:

Information of Kaunas bus station

Ticket office of Kaunas bus station

  • Working hours: I – VII 06:00 – 21:00

International ticket office (Eurolines)

Parcels department "Siuntos autobusais"

Luggage storage

  • The service is provided in parcels department
  • Working hours: I – VI 5:45-19:30, VII 7:15-18:30
  • Email: info@siuntosautobusais.lt
  • Phone:: (+370 37) 40 90 69
  • Price of luggage storage – 4,00 €

Park and ride

Leave your car for free in the underground car park of Kaunas Bus Station and continue your trip by bus. Also get a discount on your next bus trip.